

Black Queen There is no need for competition because you are Superior Black Queen God made you special, because you were made to be naturally inferior Black Queen I can read your bittersweet pain Black Queen I see your invisible tears that you shed only in the rain Black Queen You are coated with Elegance Refined in your element Epitome of Beauty, Eloquent When haters start hating, you’ll know then, it’s Evident Black Queen Don’t you ever settle for anything? Black Queen Can make something out of everything Black Queen Rise up from your past tragedies Black Queen Embrace your true self, Originality Black Queen Do what you do best, which is to heal and to love Black Queen Realize when you’re presence is undeserving of Black Queen I admire you Black Queen Your crown was sitting a little crooked, Boo Black Queen Make that set back, your greatest comeback Black Queen Never let them throw you off track Black Queen The supreme prevailing member in the g

Gold Mind

Dig through the abysmal you will find something unique You’ll find her somewhere in a dwelling where the rarest gold-leaf  Is excavated Authentically saturated Heart holds the key to the world  Distinctively pearled Not frightened of the melting pot Because, strategically, it’s what shapes her, afterthought Thirsting for life, abounding Seek inner standings, outstanding  Deep enough to know where she is undervalued Be careful, the glistening in her eyes just might entrap you To her, everything is purposely done  She chisels Mother Nature for truthfulness, diversified in one She has a way of pickaxing the inmost hillsides of your mind Mining for stimulation, is how she’s designed Word Play She likes to walk bare naked in her mind all day Since Gold makes the devil dance She prays that you to see right through her transparent silhouette, by chance Real gold never fears the pit of fire  With love, she aspires Gold Mind Never Rust  Even in th


She carried her endowments comparable to laced lingerie Taste your words before you speak, she said Like hail, she fell from heaven’s gate Showed that, forgiveness is a piece of self-love, Fate The stars lit up, when her vibrations rose She wears the cosmos as her clothes Way too fixed for the unsure Deja vu, because she has been here a long time before Her visions, kept her authenticity sincere Fueled with virtuous purposes, she moves cautiously, my dear Allowing to become fully existing of poetry Don’t hurt yourself, with your own expectations, just Notice Me She sang to the stars and galaxies about you She even has the universe to carry it through Breathing passion to alleviate the nightfall Deeper in essence she wears her influences as her sacred shawl She carried her endowments comparable to laced lingerie Taste your words before you speak, she said

Right place, Wrong Time

Running from the veracity Feeling defeated, Might be that’s Gods way of giving me the entity That I always need, retreated That masquerades me, all that I desire Feels like the Arch Angels vibes transpires It just happened to be at the foulest time imaginable The wrong depiction, often gets miscalculated, eradicable Things do always fall under the divine power Frantically unprepared, by the hour I'd do whatever it takes at the right time, beaming in higher frequence Love is supposed to be found in the suitable dwelling in the time sequence Teachings renovate into something of worth Life interrupts, while other plans are unearth


A self-contained scorpion worries no one Sometime it gets startled at its own tail in the shadow, so it hides under the warmest stone Obscure and mysterious Characteristics so delirious We fixated on the serpent, so we overlooked the lethal sting That’s why God created scorpions, deprived of wings In adoration, be cautious Because the venomous beast, can get you passionately nauseous Its hollowing arm just loves to bite If it’s captivated, more than likely you will find it in your bed at night Absolute lover with a venomous heart Possessive with power, thrill seeking is its art Intriguing and able to see right into your soul Paralyzed in love, misplaced self-control, Scorpio
Hypnotizing from a tight spot Exquisitely laced Synchronizing beauty to make time stop Insecurity defaced She exhales, gently, because she’s seized in place with just a whisper Draped with embellished shawls, with her not recognizing her loveliness is deeper than that weight and waist shifter Magnificence Masqueraded under the contours, eye shadows and wine colored lip stick Her prettiness smothered underneath her skin, portraying a conjuring trick The undesirables are pushed and tucked aside, posture perfectly straight When she’s bare, she exaggeratedly counts her imperfections to feel the debilitating emotional state  “God bless,” her diaphragm which is indeed less of her concern She always longed for her desirability to be acknowledged and returned Insecurities are bought to an end, underneath the wires, he recognized that her greatness derives directly from God Never did he care less, because of those stretch marks and that little pudge in her midriff dips that she ca

Lost & Found

A soul that is golden does not always glisten Sometimes the eyes lies, just to make your heart listen Sprouting as an individual in essence And cognizance Not until I am lost do I begin to comprehend my purpose Enthusiastically allowing blessings to be rearranged, to live the life that is worth it The faraway stars seems to always get too incisive and hardly ever get discovered A lot of countless locks not enough keys outnumbered During this journey I’ve come to myself, with a fixed diligence Sometimes, what leads me off course is mystifying, prudence