
Garden of Thoughts by Illustrious Da Poet

Look at god

In moments of despair and strife, When darkness seems to rule our life, We lift our eyes, we raise our nod, And in that moment, we say, "Look at God." When trials test our strength and grace, And challenges we must embrace, With faith renewed, we find the road, And in that strength, we say, "Look at God." In nature's beauty, colors spread, Sunsets painting skies so red, In every living, breathing sod, We find a reason to say, "Look at God." In acts of love, in kindness shown, In seeds of goodness gently sown, In every heart that's touched and awed, We see His presence, we say, "Look at God." In every smile, in every tear, In laughter shared with those we're near, In life's grand tapestry, we applaud, And with gratitude, we say, "Look at God." So when life's wonders unfold each day, And blessings come in every way, In joy, in love, in the path we trod, We find our reason to exclaim, "Look at God.

Finding one's purpose in life can be a daunting task but it is never impossible.

Here are some strategies that can help you discover your purpose: 1. Explore your interests - Think about what you enjoy doing. What activities make you happy? What topics excite you? Make a list and start incorporating them into your daily life. 2. Identify your skills - Assess your strengths and abilities. What skills come naturally to you? What tasks do you find easy to perform? Check if there are jobs that align with these skills and interests. 3. Reflect on your values - What principles and beliefs guide you? What matters most to you? When you can align your values with your talents and interests, you’re on your way to finding your purpose. 4. Consider your impact - Reflect on how you want to contribute to society and the world around you. What difference do you want to make? What problems do you want to solve? 5. Take action - Don't be afraid to try new things and take risks. Sometimes, discovering your purpose requires stepping out of your comfort zone. Volunteer or
With tranquil depths and ancient lore, This noble guide, forevermore, Whispers secrets from the cosmic sea, To souls who seek pure clarity. -Illustrious Da Poet

Ethereal Protection Poem By Illustrious Da Poet


Amelia's Journey Short Story by Illustrious Da Poet

Once upon a time, in a small quiet town nestled near the edge of a dense, mysterious jungle, lived a young and curious explorer named Amelia. Ever since she was a child, Amelia had an insatiable thirst for adventure, always yearning to uncover hidden treasures and secrets of the world. And so, with her trusty map in hand, she set off on a journey to search for treasure in the jungle. Entering the dense foliage, Amelia felt a rush of excitement as she imagined what hidden wonders awaited her. The air was thick with humidity, and the sounds of exotic birds filled her ears. She couldn't help but marvel at the towering trees that seemed to touch the sky, their branches creating a canopy that shielded her from the scorching sun. As she ventured deeper into the jungle, Amelia encountered a series of obstacles that challenged her determination. She had to navigate through treacherous swamps, climb steep cliffs, and avoid the menacing creatures that lurked in the shadows. But with every