

BIPOLAR By:illustrious 2011©

I use to stare at ur shadow Just watching how ur aurora would glow Now their just flicks of memories though I wish I could have them back,,,, so I caress ur pictures as if u were here after before As if u never let ur heart beat out that front door I wish I could have them back,,,, like a crack Fein wanting some more We was here together but our mind was offshore Couldn’t keep asking myself   questions that I never had the answer for,, so I ,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Pretend,,,,,,,, as if im painting my own fairytale Dropped my seven dwarfs, cuz I thought , I thought I knew u well Tried to make it heaven when u made it rain hell i even tried to paint gloss on it, when u made it pastel I knew it had to be a time for words of farewell Parts of me want to escape and turn back the hands of time Just to spend more time   With you in this lifetime During good times,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,our love use to sing like wind chimes But other times seems like s

Violin Strings

I am the strings he plays on a violin  I dance with him at night with no beat  And every chance I get with him,  I sweep him off of his feet  Make him moonwalk on clouds  but make it feel so concrete  I wanna promise you no mistreat,  I wanna be you’re elite  I wanna engage so we can make our ends meet    Illustriousdapoet2020 

Loving Myself

They say, with time it heals all wounds Sometimes, it’s the place where grace just enters you Damaged goods, callous scar tissues Singing the blues, while nurturing my bruise Leading with logic and not with my heart on my sleeves My heart can disappoint me, but my mind perceives Self-determination was part of the healing Pain is human, but I learned that being true to myself is quite appealing I am my own primary priority Started with Me, Morally I had to dig a little to find her In silence, I can hear her affirmations whisper Mending myself, transforming Honey attract flies, because they swarming Loving myself first, watching my blessings fall in place I have a story to tell, make room in your book case By Nancy Illustrious Silfort